We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of this Country, paying our respects to Elders past and present. Always was, always will be.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be advised that this website contains images, voices and names of people who have passed away.

Embracing First Nations language - Carbon Creative

First Nations

Hero image

Australia Post

After introducing the option in 2020, Australia Post recorded increasing interest in using First Nations Traditional Place names instead of 'western' place names on their mailing labels. However, this interest wasn't translating into people adopting the practice. Indications showed many Australians were afraid to use First Nations language in case it was used incorrectly. The challenge Australia Post gave to Carbon was to demystify the use of First Nations language and make the topic more accessible to a wider audience.

The brief

Australia Post commissioned Carbon Creative to create a video series that shone a light on areas of cultural significance to First Nations people within some of Australia's major cities to highlight the connection to Traditional Place names on parcels and mail.

But we knew these videos needed to be more than just educational. They needed to to be friendly, joyful and encouraging of everyone using Traditional Place names. And we knew just the people for the job...

The good

Valuing the importance of centring First Nations people in the storytelling of their history and culture, it was imperative that the story was told through their voice. Carbon Creative engaged Traditional Owners from each of the four featured cities to tell viewers about the Traditional Name and its meaning. This was followed by four First Nations business owners, customers of Australia Post, who conveyed how they use Traditional Place names in their business and the importance of more Australians adopting this behaviour.

Through this joyful yet informative approach we took the fear out of using traditional languages and mobilised all Australians to 'Embrace Your Place' by inviting them to connect with their local First Nations history.

The impact

Since the campaign launched, Australia Post has seen an outpouring of interest and support for the initiative from the public.

This campaign mobilised Australians to 'Embrace Your Place' by inviting them to connect with their local First Nations history. But it didn't just encourage individual Australians to act, it also stimulated businesses to lead with more inclusive behaviours in their customer interactions.

As a company whose purpose is to create connections and opportunities that matter to every Australian, this campaign was a lighthouse example of how businesses, and individuals, can help to reconcile our country. The small act of using Traditional Place names on mailing helps connect Australians to language and culture that's been around for 60,000 years.

Good design awards

The videos and PR helped show how easy it is to embrace the Traditional Place name of your city or town in your mailing addresses.

The campaign as a
whole reflected the
power this small act
can have towards