We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of this Country, paying our respects to Elders past and present. Always was, always will be.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples should be advised that this website contains images, voices and names of people who have passed away.

Creating inclusive Australian workplaces — Carbon Creative

inclusive Australian

Creating inclusive Australian workplaces

SBS & International Education Services

Carbon Creative had the privilege of creating an Indigenous learning experience as part of the SBS Inclusion Program. More and more Australian workplaces are valuing cultural diversity and are choosing to invest in cultural competency in order to create more inclusive and understanding environments.

The brief

SBS have partnered with International Education Services to develop an online training Inclusion Program to support organisations to better understand Australian diversity and promote more inclusive workplaces. As part of the program, they needed an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural competency module.

The good

The significance of accurately and respectfully representing the oldest surviving culture on Earth wasn't lost on Carbon. The challenge, however, was to compress 60,000+ years of history, tradition, culture and lore into a succinct and balanced learning module. We did this by breaking down core cultural concepts and traditions into enough detail that users would absorb something valuable, while not being overwhelmed by information. Further, Indigenous artist, Elizabeth Close was commissioned to create a series of artworks to help bring cultural concepts to life. The result was a series of engaging motion and live action pieces — each one a vehicle for passing on knowledge of the world's oldest living culture.

The impact

Used by iconic companies like Telstra all the way through to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, the SBS Inclusion Program explores topics around cross-cultural communication, busting stereotypes, and offering practical ways for workplaces to be more inclusive. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander module will help build cross-cultural understanding as one of the most comprehensive workplace learning modules of its kind in Australia.

The challenge was to compress 60,000+ years of history, tradition, culture and lore into a succinct learning module.

Used by iconic companies like Telstra all the way through to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.

The result was a series of beautiful motion and live action educational pieces—each one a vehicle for passing on knowledge of the world's oldest living culture.