Australian Government Department of Home Affairs
People often think cybercriminals only live in movies and TV but they ARE real, and self-reported losses from cybercrime in Australia in the past years totalled a whopping $33 billion. The Department of Home Affairs wanted to help the ever growing number of small to medium First Nations businesses stay safe online. Being a First Nations business ourselves, we were more than happy to help them!
The brief
Unless you work in computers or IT, chances are you treat your computers and smart devices a bit like your car—you turn it on and it goes. We all know it's important to stay safe online and protect our details, but sometimes it can be hard to know exactly what that means. Especially when you're a busy business owner dealing with 150 other things at the same time. That's why the Department of Home Affairs were on a mission to help First Nations business owners know that cyber security doesn't have to be onerous—there are simple and achievable steps they could take that could make a big difference to their online safety.
The good
Central to our strategy was ensuring we targeted this audience with the right materials at the right time. People often avoid or ignore the topic of cyber security so we had to make our information not just palatable but entertaining and relevant to ensure it cut through. To that end, we commissioned a thoughtful and unique artwork about cyber security from Barkindji and Malyangapa artist, Jasmine Craciun, for use in all assets and created a series of fun animations and compelling video case studies to help explain how businesses could help protect themselves from cybercrime. These materials were then distributed, along with social assets and a guide to avoiding cybercrime, through a collection of First Nations business groups as well as via the DOHA website.
The impact
The campaign is still in its early stages but early feedback from our business group partners—as well as hits to the website and social comments—paint a very positive and engaged picture. Most importantly, we're proud to be helping First Nations businesses stay cybersafe.